
A collective brainstorm session of theatre-makers with different backgrounds and visions. As their worlds collide, a performance emerges. A glimpse at the human condition, from six perspectives, all at once.

Collaboration between Edit Kaldor (HU/NL), theatre-maker whose work tends to zoom in on the thought processes of isolated individuals, be they players or spectators; visual artist and choreographer Piet Rogie (BE/NL) who works for the past 30 years in the modern dance field, most recently with Rogie CS, a company dedicated to creating performances with people of different ages and abilities: dancers, scientists, kids, singers and outsidersWWW.ROGIE.NL; Ivo Dimchev (BG/BE), choreographer and performer whose work is extreme and colorful mixture of performance art, dance, theater, music, drawings and photography WWW.IVODIMCHEV.COM; actor/theatre-maker Jaap ten Holt, who has worked in a broad specter of acting and theatre styles; Nada Gambier (FIN/BE), performance-maker, whose work incorporates physical and theatrical elements, often blurring the border between fiction and reality WWW.ACTIONSCENIQUE.BE; ; dancer, teacher, and choreographer Michael Jahoda (US/NL), who is co-founder and creative force behind of the Phillip Series; a unique multi-media collaboration projectWWW.MICHAELJAHODA.COM; visual and performance artist Yenyitzu (TW/NL) WWW.YENYITZU.COM; Robert Pravda (SRB/NL), who designs and builds musical instruments, makes spatial sound installations and sound design for theatre productions; Jan Fedinger (DE/NL), light-artist and lighting-designer WWW.JANFEDINGER.NET; enNadia Tsulukidze (GEO/NL), freelance artist.

English spoken